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I breed AfghanHOUND such a long time, 30 years, with some interruptions, but never have been without my beloved afghans.
So I want to deal with a topic I would say very interesting to the new owners of this wonderful breed: the maintenance of the coat.
As first I want to reassure you, there are no tricks or magic, just so much passion and good elbow oil ;-)
So arm yourself with patience and we begin:
Until the age of about 1 year, you will not encounter great problems and the baths can be limited to 1 per month, or more often, everything always depends on the life your friend does, if he spends his days in a swim Puddle, well you will have to wash him more often.
So from this age we say that you will have to start washing your Afghan at least once a week using good products, there are a lot on the market, I'm not here to make names, so a good shampoo and a good balm, remember more and more You will wash and dry up your Afghan plus his hair will have way to lenghten easily.I suggest you to avoid dry brushing outside of drying, but in need always use a splash of water and balm, or other equivalent product before brushing, to avoid tearing and splitting the hair.
around the year of age begins the transformation of his hair as a puppy (a bit woolly and thick) to the one adult who will be very silky (this is the only change of hair that has an Afghan, but the period of transformation is quite long sometimes this change lasts up to 2 years old.In this period you will have to pay more attention to his mantle, you will find many knots, also due to the loss of puppy hair, so you will need to help it with an extra bath but also cleaning his saddle, neck and under the throat in this way part of the puppy's hair will not intertwine with the rest of the mantle and the grooming will be easier.
In addition, I may recommend alternating baths during this difficult time, using a good argan oil or other equivalent to add to the shampoo, so that knots will be easier to dissolve.
Now we finally have our Afghan approximately 2 years old with a good coat and to your surprise you will realize that you will wash and dry him in much less time than when he was puppy, I would say that in one hour and a half you will have completed your weekly work.
Well I hope to have been of help ....... but if there is still something not clear do not delay asking .... I'm here .....
















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